Services Available
in Lincoln
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Services Available
in Lincoln
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Adult Services
Adult Services
Children’s Services
Children’s Services
Services for Organisations
We are experienced in offering consultancy training to various professionals including teachers, social workers and health workers.
Psychological intervention need not always involve working directly with a client. Our Psychologists can often effect change by liaising with professionals, providing them with a psychological understanding of the client and making recommendations for systemic changes in interpersonal interactions and/or changes to the environment. Although our consultancy services are often focused on the needs of one particular client, we can also assist organisations with implementing change across part of, or the whole, organisation. In addition to consultancy services, the Purple House Clinic also provides training, workshops and lectures to a range of organisations (e.g. education, health, social care) on subjects related to mental health and other aspects of psychology. We cover a wide range of topics and can offer a wealth of expertise. All of our training is tailored to the requirements of the organisation.
Clinic Location
Our main clinic in Lincoln is situated in the city centre within 'The Terrace', Grantham Street. However, some appointments are held at other clinic rooms in Lincoln. Consequently, please check the location details on your booking confirmation email.